Sr. High School Teacher
Bryan Hickman
I was born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. Growing up, my family would go to church off and on but never were really committed to God or church. A few years later we started faithfully attending a local Baptist church. At the age of 12, while attending that church, I went on a youth trip. During the preaching at the youth trip I felt like God was dealing with me specifically and convicting me of my sins which led to me talking to my youth leader. After talking to my youth leader, I prayed asking God to forgive me of my sins and by faith I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. In 2013, I married my beautiful wife, who was attending a Bible college at the time. In August 2015 our first little girl, Hallie was born. After my wife graduated, The Lord led my family to Lebanon, Indiana to serve Him at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Ryleigh, our second beautiful baby girl was born in November of 2016.