“Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not…” Matthew 19:14
The Bus Ministry is a great blessing here at the Church. We enjoy having numerous promotions, encouraging the kids to bring their friends and family to church. We have a great time learning verses and singing about Jesus. We believe the most important thing children can do is to learn the Word of God and sing Praise about the very one who made them. Our bus routes currently travel all over Lebanon as well as Frankfort.
Bus Routes are up and running again!
Call your bus captain if you need a ride!

Contact Bro. Levi Figley
Lebanon Bus Captain
at 765-891-0013

Contact Mrs. Suzy Kays
Frankfort Bus Captain
at 765-242-6346

Contact Bro. Tracy Batts
Lebanon Bus Driver
at 317-627-7582