Christian Influence

Christian Influence

Influence is power! We all have some but the question is what kind? Is it positive or negative?

A man can receive nothing, accept it be given him from heaven. John 3:27

John gives this testimony in light of hearing about the popularity of Christ. People are listening and following Christ and many of John’s followers have left him to follow Christ. This did not make John envious but rather it made him glad. He knew who Jesus was, and wanted Jesus to get the attention and the following. If we lose influence to someone who is able to better point them to Christ than we should be excited. If they leave us, for an influence that hinders them following Christ than we should be burdened but not envious.

John had influence, Christ had more. In both cases the influence was from heaven! The influence God gives us is to point others to Christ not our selves! The more people I can influence for Christ the more valuable I make myself in the service of Christ.

We can only influence others for Christ to the degree we have been influenced by Christ. Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged if people are not responding to your witness. It is more important that you choose to be influenced by Christ than it is that others are influenced by you!

Jesus would say of John that among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist… Matthew 11:11

John would say of himself after being informed of our Lord’s growing influence, He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

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