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858 W 250 N
Lebanon, IN 46052


Pastor Merv McNair


“A word from our Pastor.”

As Pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church I want to thank you for taking time to look at our website. God has truly performed a miracle here in….


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Pastor’s Pen

When It’s Time To Lay Your Burden Down!

When it’s time to lay your burden down!

Acts 21:3 “Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed in Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.”

The apostle Paul was heading to Jerusalem by a cargo ship and the ship had a specific place and time to unlade her burden (cargo). Strange that God would give us this seemingly unnecessary information, or is it? I believe God wants all of his children to know there is a place and time to unload your burdens. We know that when we get to heaven we will lay all of our earthly burdens down but we don’t have to wait until then. 1 Peter 5:7 say’s, Casting all your care upon him (Jesus); for he careth for you. God can handle your burdens and is willing to do so. Too often we are carrying cargo that needs to be unloaded. Cargo such as, what people think of me. You can’t do a whole lot about what people think of you. Everyone will have an opinion. No matter how hard you try to please everyone you will still disturb some. Just seek to please the Lord according to your conscience and let people think whatever they want. Acts 24:16 And herin do  exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. If it is weighing on you unload it, give it to God, he will take care of your reputation. Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? for if I seek to please men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

The cargo of the past sometimes weighs us down. Past sin, past suffering or both can often keep us from sailing on for the glory of God because we are weighed down. People give up or refuse to serve because they feel unworthy. Their past is wearing them out. Friend, it’s time to lay that burden down, give it to the Lord and leave it there. He can handle it. Joseph had to forget the past abuse of his brothers if he would serve with the right spirit in Egypt. David sinned greatly but he sought forgiveness. Sins of the past can’t be laid down until they are confessed, and if restitution is necessary then that is the means of laying it down. But if you are still weighed down by guilt that God has forgiven than you need to lay down your doubts about God’s ability to forgive completely. 1 John 3:20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. There are many other burdens that weigh people down that need to be unloaded but these two certainly need to be removed from your ship.

There is a place and a time for you to lay your burdens down. The place is the person of Jesus Christ, the time is now.