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The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn about God.




858 W 250 N
Lebanon, IN 46052


Pastor Merv McNair


“A word from our Pastor.”

As Pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church I want to thank you for taking time to look at our website. God has truly performed a miracle here in….


Assoc. Pastor Bryan Hickman






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Pastor’s Pen

A Better Life

“A Better Life”

Psalms 23:4 “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

This may seem like a strange verse to go with the title but the truth is there is only one reason the good shepherd would lead his sheep through such a difficult and dangerous valley. The reason is to bring his sheep to better pastures. Better pastures make for healthier happier sheep. The Lord God often takes his sheep through this valley without their permission for the purpose of their perfection. It may be through a great crisis at home or at work. Whatever it is, if it puts you in a position to help you deny the flesh and feed your faith, it is going to be ok when all is said and done. Remember Joseph? He was betrayed by his brothers, given up for dead, sold into slavery, then cast into prison. He certainly experienced the valley of the shadow of death but the Lord was with him and when he finally came out he entered the palace with the privileges of a king. You may feel your going through that valley right now just remember the Lord is with you. His rod and his staff are instruments to guide and protect the sheep. The Lord has given us his word and his Spirit to guide and protect us. During your journey in the valley remember you will only experience the shadow of death and you’ve never been hurt by a shadow. For the believer death has lost its sting and power we only have to deal with the shadow. I believe it is possible to rejoice in this valley because you know it won’t last forever and when you’re through it, you will be in a better location and have a better life. James 1:2 “My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (trials);”

The valley of the shadow of death is when you deny the sinful hurtful appetites of the flesh and feed the more noble appetites of the spirit. The result is, you bring your body under subjection to God’s Spirit. Christian you can choose to do this and you will benefit from this. Self denial will help your pocket book. Self denial will help your waistline. Self denial will help your communication skills and relationships. Self denial will keep you focused on your schedule. Self denial will improve you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially. If you desire the better life, then walk through the valley of “dying to self” it won’t kill you. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain. Be sure when you take the journey you look to the shepherd of your soul to guide you. Anyone who has enjoyed success in the professional world has had to exercise self denial. Did you choose to wear the clothes you have on today? Did you choose what you ate today? Did you choose what you spent this week? Do you believe if you chose to be more frugile with your money you would have more? Do you believe if you ate better and exercised you would be healthier? If so then do it. Enjoy a better life in the Lord!

                                        Read: Psalms 23 and notice what happens after the “valley of the shadow of death”