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Sunday School 10 AM
Worship Service 11 AM
Sunday Evening 6 PM
Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM


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The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn about God.




858 W 250 N
Lebanon, IN 46052


Pastor Merv McNair


“A word from our Pastor.”

As Pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church I want to thank you for taking time to look at our website. God has truly performed a miracle here in….


Assoc. Pastor Bryan Hickman






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Pastor’s Pen

He Knows The Way!

He knows the way!

Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path

We were a little more than an hour into our boat ride to another camp that sold minnows. The rock formations and trees looked similar the whole ride there. It should have been a forty five minute trip to the cabin, Gary and I were quiet as we looked but to no avail. There were many different channels of water to choose from but they all looked alike. For nearly four hours we searched but couldn’t find it, to make it worse we had no idea where we were. The trees were shorter now and we knew we were north of our camp but had absolutely no idea how to get back. We were in the back waters of Canada, limited provision, and there was no one around for miles. Gary asked me how much gas we had left and there was less than a half of a tank. We both realized we had no idea how to get back to our camp and could very well be spending the night out in the middle of nowhere. A very helpless feeling began to grip us, there was no cellphone reception, my phone was dead anyways and I couldn’t use the compass. What could we do, but pray. The Lord had put on my heart Proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths” It reminded me that God knew the way out. I told Gary we ought to pray out loud, he said “I’ve been praying, I said, me too, but I think we ought to do it out loud because he will direct our paths. So we prayed and decided to try another channel of water about ten minutes into the channel it started to look familiar, in twenty minutes we knew we were on the right path. We made it back to our base camp with less than an eighth of a tank of gas.  The moment we discovered we were on the right path we just praised God together! I told Gary, You don’t appreciate being found until you know how lost you really were. Those most grateful for salvation are those who knew how lost they were. If you have trusted Christ as your Saviour don’t allow yourself to forget what he saved you from. Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost (Matthew 18:11). Do you need direction? Remember that when you don’t know which way to go Jesus does! Seek the Lord Jesus my friend and he will guide you into all truth. His Word reveals his way!

Read: Psalms 78