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Sunday School 10 AM
Worship Service 11 AM
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Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM


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The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn about God.




858 W 250 N
Lebanon, IN 46052


Pastor Merv McNair


“A word from our Pastor.”

As Pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church I want to thank you for taking time to look at our website. God has truly performed a miracle here in….


Assoc. Pastor Bryan Hickman






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Pastor’s Pen

Wild Gourds or a Meal that Will Heal?

Wild Gourds or a Meal that Will Heal?

II Kings 4:38–41

In the narrative, we find a young man accidently putting wild gourds into the potluck dinner. They had a noxious effect, and the prophets were unable to eat it. Rather than throw it out, because food was scarce, they called on the man of God for help. Elisha told them to add meal (ground wheat or barley). This had a healing effect, and there was “no harm” to the potluck dinner.

How often do we accidently add wild gourds to our relationships? It’s easy to let our anger get the best of us when we are offended, but does that not have the same effect as the wild gourds? When we do nothing but criticize, are we not adding wild gourds? When someone constantly talks about himself, either by complaint or compliment, does it not get nauseating to listen to? To be inconsiderate of the needs and hurts of those around you, especially those of your family, is to toss in a wild gourd that poisons those relationships. To make all the financial decisions without consulting your spouse is a wild gourd.

Jesus is the Bread of life, the Meal that heals. His doctrine ought to be our duty. When we choose to respond gracefully during contention, we add meal. When we choose to involve our mates in financial decisions, we add meal that heals. When we show kindness and encouragement to those hurting around us, we add meal that heals. Anytime we respond scripturally to difficulty, we add meal that heals. Christ can change the situation, but we must choose to involve Him. If we don’t purposely add Christ, we will accidently be selfish!

As Christians, we will not be rid of this old sinful nature until resurrection day, but until then, we need to add the Word of God (the heavenly meal) to our lives so that we can be agents of healing rather than sources of poison. The Word of God has power to change our behavior, but we must add it daily! What will you bring to the potluck dinner of life, wild gourds or meal that will heal?