She Hath Done What She Could

She Hath Done What She Could

She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. Mark 14:8
She could do no more with the time that she had. She could do no more with the resources she had. She could do no more with ability she had. She hath done what she could.  
Only the Lord knew that she did what she could. Others did not understand why she did what she did, let alone that she done what she could.  
What was it that she did? She poured out years wages of precious oil on the Lord. She took advantage of the time she had left with the Lord to show him she loved him. Where your treasure is their will your heart be also. She has just poured it upon the head of Jesus.  
Why would she do this? She knew he was going to die soon. She believed everything he said and listened to everything she could when he spoke. The other disciples didn’t acknowledge that the Lord was going to die in just a couple of days but she did. She acknowledged Jesus as her king and in a way fulfilled a scripture from Song of Solomon 1:12 While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof. She had just broken a box of spikenard on the Lord.  
How did she know and why didn’t others know?  
This is Mary the sister of Lazarus and Martha from John 12:1-8. She is recognized as doing the one thing that is needful Luke 10:39 “…sat at Jesus feet…” to listen, learn and worship him.  
We may not be able to do as much as others but are we doing what we can? Are we doing what we can to win souls? Are we doing what we can to grow in grace? Are we doing what we can to encourage the brethren? Are we doing what we can to show Jesus we love him?

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